
The uses of helium are diverse, and each month #pulsarignite puts the spotlight on a different industry and offers opportunities for YOU to participate.

How does #pulsarignite work?

1. Themed opportunities and experiences showcasing real-world helium applications.
2. Follow us on Twitter, search #pulsarignite and complete the Typeform for your chance to win.
3. A different industry every month. A follower will be chosen as our monthly winner!

Helium is critical to our daily lives

To highlight helium’s various applications we're partnering with some of the world’s most exciting companies to deliver themed monthly opportunities. Expect automotive month, aerospace month, medical month, and more. The experience may be a guided tour of a partner’s facility, a chance to see their technology in action, or the opportunity to fly in a hybrid air vehicle!

July 2024 is Quantum month

We've partnered with NewScientist to highlight how helium is being used in the development of Quantum Technology. Superconducting circuits are crucial to quantum computers and helium is used to keep these circuits operating at extremely low temperatures. Our two lucky winners will be invited to attend 'Instant Expert – The mathematics that explain our world' with an opportunity to meet the experts and receive an exclusive goodybag.


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